Counting is an inventory auditing procedure that checks and updates your inventory quantity. Counting service requires the creation of a Work Order.
The Counting Service
- Manual count of SKU line items. If SKU is in a case, count on either a case level or individual SKU line item in the case, according to the Work Order.
- For items in cases, cases will be cut open and then tape-sealed back after counting
- Where the original case cannot be sealed back in its original state, re-packing into another case will take place, at an additional cost
- Based on standard SKUs (see details below)
- Updating of inventory quantities after the counting process is completed
Does not include:
- Sorting of items, labeling of items
- Non-standard SKUs
- Inbound/outbound activities and fees
- Breaking pallet & pallet stretch film wrapping
- Requests to count items again
- Quality control checks, verifying if items in the case are correct or in good condition
- Setting aside items in a different location for further actions
Types of Counting
- Cycle Count - Periodic counting of a subset of inventory (on an SKU level), without stopping day-to-day operations, count is on an SKU item level, only for SKUs in storage
- Total Stock Count - Counting of all inventory in storage (on an SKU level), all orders are paused until the count is completed
- Inbound Sample Count - Sample counting of SKU item quantities in a case during the inbound process > not available
- Case Non-SKU item count - Counting of non-SKU items in a case where the case is the SKU, only available during the inbound process
Counting Method
- Item Count - Counting on an SKU item level, and where the SKU is in a case, all quantities in the case
- Case SKU Count - where the SKU is in a case, counting cases only (not individual SKU items inside the case) and updating SKU item quantities based on quantity labeled on the case.
Standard vs Non-Standard SKU
Standard SKU Process
- SKU is accurately labeled and the quantity of SKU line items is known
- For SKUs items in cases, the case is labeled correctly with the SKU code and the total number of SKU items in the case (max <= 50 quantity per case)
- For SKUs in cases, the case only contains 1 SKU (no mix SKUs)
- Counting is manual and does not involve scanning the barcode of each SKU line item
Non-Standard SKU Process
- If the counting does not fall within standard counting, the count for that SKU is flagged as non-standard counting and the following may apply:
- Additional fees apply
- The counting service will not proceed unless other services are provided first (e.g. sorting, labeling, etc)
Non-Standard Counting Examples | Actions |
> 50 SKU item quantities in a case | An additional counting fee applies |
Mix SKUs in a case | No counting. A sorting service needs to happen first |
No expected value is known (on a Case or location level) | A double counting fee applies |
No SKU labeling on the Case and SKU items have no barcode | No counting. SKU barcode labeling needs to happen first |
Advance Notice Requirement
At least 5 business days (from the date your Work Order is finalized and confirmed) needs to be provided before the commencement of the counting service
Completion of the counting process
After the counting is completed for each SKU, the Spaceship FC team will proceed with updating the quantity of your SKU based on the actual counted number, through a stock adjustment.
Counting Service Fees
The fee for the standard counting service is based on the total number of counts. Depending on the SKU, a single count or double count will apply on an SKU level
Billing for the number of counts
- Expected value known, count matches: Single Count
- Expected value known, counts do not match: Double Count
- Expected value unknown: Double Count
Per count fee: From $0.30 / count
Creating a Counting Service Work Order
- Submit a Work Order to your account manager
- Provide details on the type of counting service
- Provide details of the SKUs you want to be counted and how it should be counted
- Your account manager will confirm the details and scope of the service with you, provide a fee schedule, and work out a timeline
- Upon confirmation and acceptance, your Counting Service work order is ready to commence
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